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Last reviewed November 1, 2023


1. Introduction

Advantage respects and values the privacy of its customers, partners, visitors, employees, and end users, thereby recognizing the need to protect and manage the personal information it receives on a daily basis. Advantage stands by the principles in this privacy policy (“Policy”) and is committed to the protection of all personal information in its possession. This Policy explains how Advantage processes and protects personal identifiable information (“Personal Data”), which will either be disclosed by you (“You” or “Your” as applicable) or obtained by Advantage on Your behalf.

The core of Advantage’s services involves the processing of confidential and sensitive information, and/or Personal Data. Such processing requires Advantage to comply with applicable privacy and data protection laws. In particular, when Advantage processes Personal Data of EU citizens, Advantage has a duty to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) established by the EU. The GDPR requires companies to ensure that when Personal Data of EU citizens is transferred out of the EU, it is transferred to a recipient that will adequately protect the Personal Data. In furtherance of this obligation, Advantage will enter into model standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission (Art. 46 GDPR) (“Standard Contractual Clauses”) because any company that is certified under these frameworks is deemed to have the requisite ‘adequate protection’. 

For the purposes of this Policy, Advantage distinguishes between the following categories of individuals that may have their information processed by Advantage:

  • “Customer” means an entity which engages Advantage for technology and telecommunication advisory services;
  • “End User” means any individual who provides data to Customer and is included as an employee or representative with respect to Customer’s account with Advantage;
  • “Partner” means either (i) an individual who has facilitated the relationship between Advantage and Customer, and who may from time to time, with Customer’s consent, access Advantage’s systems to review Customer data or (ii) a provider of telecommunications and technology services; and
  • “Visitor” means an individual that visits

Advantage provides technology and telecommunication advisory services (“Services”) to its customers and utilizes an on-line portal to provide reports from such Services to its customers. All information stored on Advantage’s platform is treated as confidential, is stored securely, and is only accessed by authorized personnel. Advantage maintains appropriate technical, security, and organizational measures to protect Personal Data against unauthorized or unlawful processing and use, and against accidental loss, destruction, damage, theft or disclosure.


2. International Transfers (Standard Contractual Clauses)

2.1 Notice. To enable U.S. companies to provide an adequate level of protection for when Personal Data is transferred from the from the UK or Switzerland to the U.S.

In addition, your Personal Data may be collected, transferred to and stored by us in the United States and by our affiliates and third parties disclosed above, that are based in other countries. Therefore, your Personal Data may be processed outside your jurisdiction, and in countries that may not provide for the same level of data protection as your jurisdiction. We ensure that the recipient of your Personal Data offers an adequate level of protection, by Advantage entering into the appropriate data processing agreements and, if required, Standard Contractual Clauses for the transfer of data outside of the European Economic Area (EEA) as approved by the European Commission (Art. 46 GDPR).

Whether Advantage collects Personal Data of individuals directly or indirectly, this Policy informs such individuals of the purposes for which Advantage collects and uses Personal Data, including any transfer to Advantage in the U.S., the identity of third parties acting as processors to which Advantage discloses such information, the purposes for which it does so, the means in which Advantage limits the use and disclosure of their Personal Data, and about the right of individuals to access their Personal Data. Notice will be provided to Customers or individuals as appropriate, before Advantage uses the information for any purpose other than to further the legitimate purposes of Advantage.

2.2 Choice. Advantage will offer Partners and Customers, the opportunity to opt-out as to whether Personal Data of their End Users is (a) disclosed to a third party acting as a sub-processor, or (b) used to send email marketing purposes. Advantage will provide Controller and individuals, as applicable, with reasonable mechanisms to exercise their choices.

Advantage respects Your privacy and has no desire to contact You if You do not wish to hear from us. If, for any reason, You wish to cease receiving messages from Advantage please send an email to with a subject line of “Unsubscribe”, including any other details that will help Advantage fulfill Your request. Notwithstanding, in the event an individual opts out of receiving emails, Advantage retains and reserves the right to market to the individual using other marketing methods.

2.3 Accountability for Onward Transfer. Advantage will obtain assurances from authorized third parties that they will safeguard Personal Data consistent with this Policy and will transfer Personal Data only for limited and specific purposes. Advantage recognizes its responsibility and potential liability for onward transfers to unauthorized third parties. Where Advantage has knowledge that a third party is using or disclosing Personal Data in a manner contrary to this Policy, Advantage will take reasonable and appropriate steps to prevent, remediate or stop the use or disclosure. The sub-processors that Advantage engages for support services of which may receive Personal Data, are listed below:





Amazon Web Services Inc.


Cloud Service Provider

App Solutions International, Inc.

El Salvador

System Development

Elevate EMEA Limited


Marketing and Sales Support

Hubspot, Inc.


Marketing and Sales Support

InvoiceIQ, LLC


Operational Support

Lucrotec LLC


Operational Support

Okin Process Inc.


Operational Support

Zoom Info Technologies LLC


Marketing and Sales Support

Should Advantage need to designate further sub-processors or make any change to the existing sub-processors, Advantage will modify the above table to reflect such changes.

2.4 Access. Upon request, Advantage will take reasonable steps to permit individuals, whether directly or through the Controller of the Personal Data, to correct, amend, or delete information that is demonstrated to be inaccurate or incomplete. Advantage may limit an individual’s access to Personal Data where the burden or expense of providing access would be disproportionate to the risks to the individual’s privacy or where the legitimate rights of persons other than the individual would be violated.

2.5 Security. Advantage will take reasonable and appropriate precautions to protect Personal Data in its possession from loss, misuse and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration and destruction, taking into account the risks involved in the processing and the nature of the Personal Data.

2.6 Data Integrity and Purpose Limitation. Advantage will use Personal Data only in ways that are compatible with the legitimate purposes for which it was collected. Advantage will take reasonable steps to ensure that Personal Data is relevant to its intended use, accurate, complete, and current. 

2.7 Recourse, Enforcement and Liability. Advantage utilizes the self-assessment approach to assure its compliance with this Policy. Advantage periodically verifies that this Policy is accurate, appropriate for the information intended to be covered, prominently displayed, completely implemented, and in conformity with the applicable law. Advantage encourages interested persons to raise any concerns with it using the contact information below. Advantage and its dispute resolution provider will investigate and attempt to resolve complaints and disputes regarding use and disclosure of Personal Data.


3. Collection and use

3.1 General. This section addresses how data is collected for Visitors, Partners, End Users and Customers.

3.2 Visitors. If You are a Visitor to Advantage’s website only, and not an End User or a user of Advantage’s platform, then this section applies to You.

By visiting Advantage’s website, You consent to the collection and use of the Personal Data You provide as described herein. If You do not agree with the terms set out herein, please do not visit this website or otherwise provide Advantage’s Your Personal Data. If required by applicable law, Advantage will seek Your explicit consent to process Personal Data collected on this website or volunteered by You. Any consent You provide will be entirely voluntary. However, in the event You do not grant Advantage consent to process Your Personal Data, the use of this website may not be possible.

By using the website and volunteering Your Personal Data, You authorize Advantage to collect, record, and analyze information that You disclose. We may also record Your IP address and use cookies and add information collected by way of pageview activity. Advantage may also collect and process any Personal Data You volunteer to Advantage in our website’s forms for sales and marketing purposes. If You submit Your resumé in response to a job positing, when Advantage evaluates Your candidacy Advantage will not disclose such information to third parties that do not have a need to know. However, Advantage may use Your Personal Data for purposes of furthering Your candidacy. If You provide Advantage with Your social media details, Advantage may retrieve publicly available information about You from social media. In this context, Personal Data may comprise Your IP address, first and last name, postal and email address, telephone number, job title, data for social networks, interest in Advantage products, and certain information about the company You are working for (company name and address), as well as the type of relationship that exists between Advantage and Yourself.
Advantage gathers data about visits to the website, including number of Visitors, geo-location data, length of time spent on the site, pages clicked, or where Visitors have come, etc. Advantage uses the collected data to communicate with Visitors and to improve its website by analyzing how Visitors navigate its website, so it may also share such information with service vendors or contractors in order to provide a better Visitor experience.

3.3 Partners. Partners should be aware that by utilizing the Advantage platform, they could be disclosing information that could make their Personal Data available to Advantage. Advantage will collect Partner’s data for the purpose of enhancing its customer relationships, improving its Services and website experience, making payment to Partner when applicable, and to inform Partners of any updates regarding Advantage, via newsletters or other means of communication. Partners should be aware that they themselves are responsible for the content they disclose to Advantage. For more detailed information, Partners may contact Advantage at the address below.

3.4 End Users. End Users should be aware that by being employed by Customer, they have or could be disclosing Personal Data. The security and privacy protection implemented on Advantage’s platform covers this type of transfer or disclosure of Personal Data. Nonetheless, End Users providing any Personal Data to its employers should be aware that they are responsible for the uses of such Personal Data and have rights to withdraw their consent for Advantage to process their Personal Data. End Users have a right to contact their employer or the Customer that is providing End User’s Personal Data. It is the Customer’s responsibility to ensure that collection and processing of data is done in accordance with applicable law. Therefore, Advantage will not process Personal Data of End Users for purposes or by means other than instructed by its Customers. If You wish to inquire about Your Personal Data that may have been collected while Advantage provides Services to Your employer or to Advantage’s Customer, Advantage recommend that You contact Customer that created or sent Your Personal Data. For clarity, Advantage is a Processor with respect to End User Personal Data, so it does not control the Personal Data used or stored in its possession, but rather processes it on behalf of Customer.

3.5 Customers. In order to provide Services to Customers, Advantage needs to collect certain types of data. Most of this data may be deemed Personal Data that Customer collected from its End Users during its ordinary course of business. To be clear, data transferred to Advantage by Customers through direct or indirect means, remains the property of the Customer and will not be shared with a third party by Advantage without express consent from Customer.

3.5.1 Collection of Customer data. Upon Customer’s onboarding process and all throughout the engagement with Advantage, Customers provide data relating to Customer and its End Users, which may include names of employees, company name, email, business address, corporate provided mobile numbers, business telephone numbers, business e-mail, and other relevant data. This information is used by Advantage to identify the Customer and provide them with Services, support, surveys, mailings, sales and marketing actions, billing and to meet contractual obligations. Advantage does not sell, rent, or lease customer lists to third parties.

Advantage Customers may at any time access, create, edit, update or delete their contact details by logging in with their username and password to Advantage’s platform, provided employees of Customer have such permissions. Advantage Customers may create more user accounts with different privilege levels within their account. It is Customer’s responsibility to choose the level of access each user accessing Customer accounts should have. Advantage will not retain Customer data longer than is necessary to fulfill the legitimate interests of Advantage, including but not limited to Advantage’s marketing initiatives. Notwithstanding, Advantage will expunge such data in accordance with its normal operating procedures with respect to data deletion.

3.5.2 Collection of End User data. For purposes of the Services, End User Personal Data used is provided by Customers, so it is the Customer’s responsibility to ensure that collection and processing of data is done in accordance with applicable law. Advantage will not process Personal Data for other purposes or by other means than instructed by its Customers.

The purpose of collecting or processing End User Personal Data would be ancillary to the core Services, but may be necessary for Advantage to provide the Services. For these purposes, Personal Data may include, personal contact information such as name, business address, mobile number, email address, business contact details, country of where End User may access Advantage portal, and other sensitive Personal Data. Collection of End User data in EEA or Switzerland. For Customers in the EEA or Switzerland, or for Customers providing Personal Data of End Users who are citizens of the EEA, or Switzerland, the Customer will be the “Controller”, as defined in the Directive and the GDPR. The purpose of processing will consequently be defined by Advantage’s Customer. If You or Your organization are required under GDPR to enter into a contract, or other binding legal act under EU or Member State law, with Your data processors, then You must review and accept Advantage’s Data Processing Agreement which governs the transfer of data from the E.U. to U.S and from Switzerland to the U.S.

3.6 Security. Advantage secures Personal Data from unauthorized access, use or disclosure. When Personal Data is transmitted to other websites, it is protected through the use of encryption, such as the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol.

3.7 Geographical location. Advantage’s data center that stores all collected information, whether Visitor, Partner, End User, Customer, is stored in secure hosting facilitates provided by Amazon Web Services located in the United States. No Personal Data is transmitted outside of the U.S., without the proper legal authorization documented by Data Processing Agreements. Advantage has a data processing agreement in place with Amazon Web Services, ensuring compliance with applicable law. All hosting is performed in accordance with the highest security regulations.

3.8 Processing in the EEA and Switzerland. The GDPR (the Regulations (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of Personal Data and on the free movement of such data) is the prevailing EU law.

3.9 Cookies

3.9.1 What are Cookies? Modern websites collect certain basic information about users in order to work according to user’s expectations. To do this, sites create small text files that are placed on user’s devices, known as “Cookies”. Cookies are uniquely assigned to each user and can only be read by a web server in the domain that issued the Cookie to the user. Cookies cannot be used to run programs or deliver viruses to a user’s device. Cookies do various jobs which make the user’s experience of the internet much smoother and more interactive by remembering a user’s preferences, which supports navigation between pages. Much of the data collected is anonymous, though some of it is designed to detect browsing patterns and approximate geographical location to improve user experience.

3.9.2 How Advantage uses Cookies. Advantage places Cookies to store and then retrieve small bits of information on Your computer when You visit the Advantage website or portal to ensure that Advantage’s content is tailored to Your specifications, thereby improving the user experience. Amongst other things, the Cookies Advantage use allow Advantage to calculate anonymously website traffic. We may collect the country of origin of users, the screen resolution and what browser is being used to access the website.

3.9.3 We believe that the user experience of the website would be adversely affected if any users opt-out of the Cookies Advantage uses. Nonetheless, Visitors may, at any time, opt-out and prevent the setting of Cookies through Advantage’s website by means of a corresponding setting of the Internet browser used, and may thus permanently deny the setting of Cookies. Furthermore, already set Cookies may be deleted at any time via an Internet browser or other software programs. This is possible in all popular Internet browsers. If You deactivate the setting of Cookies in the Internet browser used, not all functions of Advantage’s website may be entirely usable.

3.9.4 Please be aware that while visiting Advantage’s site, users can follow links to other sites that are beyond Advantage’s sphere of influence. Advantage has no control over software, content, promotions, materials, information, goods or services available on these sites. We provide them for Your convenience only and You follow them at Your own risk because Advantage is not responsible for the content of these other sites. Further, You should be aware that any Personal Data You provide to these sites is no longer governed by this Policy.

3.10 Controller. If a Visitor submits Personal Data in conjunction with a resumé or inquiry through the Advantage website, Advantage acts as a Controller in these limited circumstances. Therefore, Advantage will determine how and when to use such data for legitimate business purposes including, but not limited to research, marketing, and billing purposes.

With respect to End User Personal Data, Customer will be the Controller in accordance with the GDPR because Customer determines the purpose and means of processing End User Personal Data (i.e. provides the Processor instructions as to how and to what extent it can process).

3.11 Processor. With respect to End User Personal Data, Advantage is the Processor and adheres to the GDPR. Advantage only processes data in accordance with Controller’s instructions and applicable law. Advantage adopted reasonable physical, technical and organizational safeguards that substantially mirror the EU safeguards against accidental, unauthorized, or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, disclosure, access, use or processing of the Customer’s data in Advantage’s possession. Advantage will promptly notify the Customer in the event of any known unauthorized access to, or use of, the Customer’s data.


4. Retention and Deletion

Advantage will retain data only as long as reasonably necessary to fulfill the legitimate purposes of Advantage or as required by applicable law or regulation.

For End User Personal Data, Advantage’s Customers have control of the purpose for collecting data, and the duration for which the Personal Data may be kept. Customers will therefore have the responsibility to request the deletion of data when required. When a Customer’s account is terminated, all Personal Data collected through the platform that remains active will be deleted, however such information may remain on back-up data for archival purposes. Upon Your request to delete Personal Data, Advantage will honor this request unless deleting such information prevents Advantage from carrying out necessary business functions, including, but not limited to billing for the Services, calculating taxes, or conducting required internal audits, in which case Advantage will delete the requested information in accordance with its data retention policy.


5. Acceptance of these Conditions

Advantage assumes all Visitors, Partners, End Users, and Customers have carefully read this Policy and agree to its contents. If You do not agree with this Policy, You should refrain from using Advantage’s website and platform. Advantage reserves the right to change its Policy as necessary. Continued use of Advantage’s website and platform after having been informed of any such changes to these conditions implies acceptance of the revised Policy. This Policy is an integral part of Advantage’s terms of use.


6. Our Legal Obligation to Disclose Personal Data

Advantage will reveal an End User’s Personal Data without his/her prior permission only when there is reason to believe disclosure of this information is required to establish the identity of, to contact or to initiate legal proceedings against a person or persons who are suspected of infringing rights or property belonging to Advantage or to others who could be harmed by the user’s activities or of persons who could (deliberately or otherwise) transgress upon these rights and property. Advantage is permitted to disclose Personal Data when it has good reason to believe that this is legally required.


7. Advantage’s Data Protection Officer

Advantage has a Data Protection Officer who can be contacted if You have questions or concerns about processing Your Personal Data. Advantage and its dispute resolution provider will investigate and attempt to resolve complaints and disputes regarding use and disclosure of Personal Data.


8. Further Information

If You have further questions regarding data collection, or how Advantage uses it, contact:

Advantage Communications Group, LLC
2 Seaview Blvd., Suite 104
Port Washington, NY 11050
Attn: Chief Privacy Officer

9. Personal Data of Advantage Employees

9.1 Advantage employees' privacy policy

For purposes of this Section "Employee(s)" refers to those employees of Advantage who are protected under the GDPR. This section sets out how Advantage collects and processes employees' personal data as the data controller if employees' personal data is provided or disclosed by the Data Subject or if personal data is received or acquired through a third party. Advantage processes the personal data in accordance with the GDPR (and other applicable EU and Member State regulations on data protection, if such regulations exist).

Advantage processes the personal data in accordance with the GDPR (and other applicable EU and Member State regulations on data protection, if such regulations exist). Processing of personal data pursuant to this Section means processing of personal data of Employees who are in the EEA in any of the following cases:

  • if carried out in connection to activities of Advantage’s establishment in the EEA,
  • if related to the offering of goods or services to the Employees, or
  • if related to the monitoring of the Employees' behavior as far as their behavior takes place within the EEA.

9.2 Collection and processing of Employees' personal data

Advantage always processes Employees' personal data based on one of the legal bases provided for in the GDPR (Articles 6 and 7). In addition, if processing personal data that requires special care, Advantage will do so in accordance with the special rules provided for in the GDPR (Articles 9 and 10).

Advantage may collect and process Employees' personal data in the following cases :(i) if required in order to provide the data subject with adequate services and products and Advantage otherwise has a legitimate interest; (ii) if required in order to perform an agreement with Employees or carry out procedures before execution; or (iii) if Advantage has obtained the Employees' express prior consent. The Employee is entitled to withdraw his or her consent to the collection and processing of the personal data at any time, but this withdrawal will not affect the lawfulness of processing based on the consent before withdrawal thereof. Advantage will keep Employees' personal data for as long as it is necessary for us to comply with our legal obligations, to ensure that Advantage provides an adequate service, and to support our business activities (Articles 5 and 25(2) of the GDPR).

9.3 Purpose of collection and process

Advantage uses the following Employees' personal data for the respective purposes as follows:

Purpose of use



Purpose of use

Internally disclosed information

Name, Employee ID number, department, title, employment status, company e-mail address, information of mobile phone for business

For business communications and administrative purposes.

Basic information

Name, address, age, birth date, sex, phone number, and possibly face photograph

For employment & HR management, posting (including secondment/relocation), creation of staff register, payment of salary, provision of benefit packages, social insurance related procedures, legally required procedures and other employment management

Pay-related information

Decision method for annual and monthly earnings, bonus and salary, retirement allowance

For decision and payment of salary, tax withholding procedures, social insurance related procedures, retirement allowance and benefit packages, workers' tax-free property-forming and other employment management

HR information

Performance evaluation, educational background, qualification/license, title, professional background, disciplinary punishment/official commendation

For understanding human resources, decision of posting/assigned responsibility, secondment/relocation, training/skill development, promotion/demotion and other employment management

Family and relatives information

Family structure, living-together/separated, presence of dependents, health condition

Only as necessary for tax withholding procedures, social security related procedures, family leave, benefit packages and other employment management

Physical and health information

Health condition, medical records, physical or mental disabilities, results of health checkup

For health care, ensuring appropriate labor environment, leave of absence, decision of posting, management of working hours and other employment management

Purpose of collection and processing of an applicants' personal data



Purpose of use

Basic information

Name, address, age, birth date, sex, phone number, face photograph

For review/decision of employment, review/decision of employment conditions, response to enquiries and business communication

Pay-related information

Decision method for annual and monthly earnings, bonus and salary, retirement allowance

HR information

Educational background, qualification/license, title, professional background

Advantage gives notification of the purpose of that collection and processing to Employees when obtaining consent, agreement, or other appropriate means. Advantage processes Employees' personal data for the above specified, explicit and legitimate purposes, and will not further process the data in a way that is incompatible with those purposes. If Advantage intends to process Employees' personal data originally corrected for another objectives or purposes, Advantage ensures that Employees are informed of this action.

Advantage ensures that the data processed shall be limited to what is adequate and necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed.

9.4 Sharing Employees' personal data

Advantage may share personal data with its group entities and third-parties in accordance with the GDPR. When Advantage shares the data with a data processor, Advantage will put the appropriate legal framework in place in order to cover data transfer and processing (Articles 26, 28 and 29 of the GDPR)). Furthermore, when Advantage shares the data with any entity outside the EEA, Advantage will put appropriate legal frameworks in place, notably controller-to-controller (2004/915/EC) and controller-to-processor (2010/87/EU) Standard Contract Clauses approved by the European Commission, in order to cover such transfers (Chapter 5 of the GDPR).

9.5 Outsourcing

Advantage may outsource all or part of Employees' personal data processing to a third-party processor (“Processor”). When executing an outsourcing agreement, the eligibility of the counterparty as an Processor is sufficiently investigated. Safety management measures, confidentiality, conditions for the Processor to outsource to another party, and other matters regarding the appropriate processing of the data are prescribed in the outsourcing agreement, and the Processor is appropriately supervised by implementing periodic monitoring, etc. of the outsourcing conditions.

9.6 Corporate Affiliates and Corporate Reorganizations

Advantage may share Employees' personal data with all corporate affiliates. In the event of a merger, corporate reorganization, civil rehabilitation, acquisition, joint venture, assignment, transfer, sale or disposition of all or any portion of our business (including in connection with any bankruptcy or similar proceedings), Advantage may transfer any and all Employees' personal data to the relevant third party.

9.7 Legal Compliance and Security

It may be necessary for Advantage – by law, legal process, litigation, and/or requests from public and governmental authorities within or outside the Data Subject's country of residence – to disclose personal data. We may also disclose personal data if we determine that, for purposes of national security, law enforcement, or other issues of public importance, disclosure is necessary or appropriate.

Advantage may also disclose Employees' personal data if Advantage determines in good faith that disclosure is reasonably necessary to protect our rights and pursue available remedies, enforce our internal regulations, investigate fraud, or protect our operations or users.

9.8 Transferring data

Disclosures or sharing of personal data as described above may involve transferring personal data out of the EEA. For each of these transfers Advantage makes sure that Advantage provides an adequate level of protection to the data transferred, in particular by entering into Standard Contract Clauses as defined by the European Commission decisions 2001/497/EC, 2002/16/EC, 2004/915/EC and 2010/87/EU.

9.9 ​Our records of data processes

Advantage handles records of processing of Employees' personal data in accordance with the obligations established by the GDPR (Article 30), where Advantage might process personal data. In these records, Advantage reflects all the data necessary in order to comply with the GDPR and cooperate with the supervisory authorities in accordance with the GDPR (Article 31).

9.10 Security measures

Advantage processes Employees' personal data in a manner that ensures such data undergoes appropriate security (including protection against unauthorized or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction damage, etc.) using appropriate technical or organizational measures to achieve this (Articles 25(1) and 32 of the GDPR).

9.12 ​Notification of data breaches to the competent supervisory authorities

In case of breach of security leading to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure of, or access to, Employees’ personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed, Advantage has the mechanisms and policies in place in order to identify it and assess the details of the breach promptly. Depending on the outcome of our assessment, Advantage will make the necessary notifications to the supervisory authorities and communications to the affected data subjects (Articles 33 and 34 of the GDPR).


9.13 ​Processing likely to result in high risk to Employees' rights and freedoms

Advantage has mechanisms and policies in place in order to identify data processing activities that may result in high risk to Employees' rights and freedoms (Article 35 of the GDPR). If any such data processing activity is identified, Advantage will assess it internally and either stop it or ensure that the processing is compliant with the GDPR or that appropriate technical and organizational protective measures are in place in order to proceed with it. In case of doubt, Advantage will contact the competent Data Protection Supervisory Authority in order to obtain their advice and recommendations (Article 36 of the GDPR).

9.14 Rights

Employees of Advantage have the rights on Employees' personal data collected and processed by Advantage bellow. However, there is a possibility that some requests or constraints are imposed.

Right to obtainment: Employees of Advantage have the right to obtain all of data relating to data processing of Employees' personal data(Article 13 and 14 of the GDPR).

Right of access: Employees of Advantage have the right to obtain as to whether or not Employees' personal data is being processed, and if that is the case, access to the data (Article 15 of the GDPR)

Right to rectification and erasure: Employees of Advantage have the right to rectify inaccurate Employees' personal data and erase the data without undue delay(Article 16 of the GDPR). In the event of certain specific requirements applied, they have the right to erase the data without undue delay(Article 17 of the GDPR).

Right to restriction of processing: In the event of certain specific requirements applied, Employees of Advantage have the right to restrict processing Employees' personal data(Article 18 of the GDPR).

Right to object: In the event of certain specific requirements applied, Employees of Advantage have the right to object at any time to processing of Employees' personal data with reason of specific situations.

Right to data portability: In the event of certain specific requirements applied, Employees of Advantage have the right to receive Employees' personal data, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and have the right to transmit the data to another controller without hindrance from Advantage(Article 20 of the GDPR).

Right not to be a target to a decision based solely on automated processing: In the event of certain specific requirements applied, Employees of Advantage have the right not to be a target to a decision based solely on automated processing which produces legal effects or similarly significantly affects on them(Article 22 of the GDPR).

If Employees of Advantage exercise such rights, please contact us at the address set forth section 11 below. They are not satisfied with the way in which Advantage has proceeded with any request, or if they have any complaint regarding the way in which Advantage processes Employees' personal data, they may file a complaint with a Data Protection Supervisory Authority.

Supplemental Privacy Policy for California Residents

This section applies only to California consumers. It describes how Advantage collects, uses, and shares California consumers' Personal Information in Advantage’s role as a service provider, and the rights applicable to such residents. If you are unable to access this Privacy Policy due to a disability or any physical or mental impairment, please contact Advantage, so Advantage can supply you with the information you need in an alternative format that you can access.

For purposes of this section "Personal Information" has the meaning given in the California Consumer Privacy Act Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.100 et seq., and its implementing regulations (“CCPA”).
How Advantage Collects, Uses, and Shares your Personal Information

Advantage may have collected the following statutory categories of Personal Information in the past twelve (12) months if you are a Visitor:

  • Identifiers, such as name, e-mail address, mailing address, and phone number. Advantage collects this information directly from you or from third party sources.
  • Geolocation data, such as IP address. We collect this information from your device

Advantage may have collected the following statutory categories of Personal Information if you are an employee of an Advantage customer:

  • mobile numbers, bulk usage data, number of minutes, number of message, the amount of data used collectively, employee ID assigned by company (may be email in some cases or an HR record ID), employee first, middle and last name, employee company email address, employee shipping address (business or home if employee asks for device to be shipped to residence), employee business phone number, employee department name, employee’s managers name, employee’s job title, employee cost center, employee device make, model, IMEI and serial number, carrier plans assigned to employees’ lines of service for voice, data, text, international and features, whether or not employee is considered a VIP or not;, employee’s admin for delegated request management, employee security profile information including rights and access to Advantage data, audio recordings of employee calls into the help desk, employee employment status (active, on leave, or terminated)
  • Other personal information, in instances when you interact with Advantage online, by phone or mail in the context of receiving help through our help desks or other support channels; participation in customer surveys or contests; or in providing the Subscription Service.

The business and commercial purposes for which we collect this information are described in Section 3 of the Privacy Policy. The categories of third parties to sub-processor to which Advantage "disclose" this information for a business purpose are described in Section 2.3 of this Privacy Policy.

Your California Rights
You have certain rights regarding the Personal Information Advantage collects or maintains about you. Please note these rights are not absolute, and there may be cases when Advantage declines your request as permitted by law.

The right of access means that you have the right to request Advantage to disclose what Personal Information Advantage has collected, used and disclosed about you in the past 12 months.

The right of deletion means that you have the right to request Advantage to delete Personal Information collected or maintained by us, subject to certain exceptions.

The right to non-discrimination means that you will not receive any discriminatory treatment when you exercise one of your privacy rights.

Advantage does not sell Personal Information to third parties (pursuant to California Civil Code §§ 1798.100–1798.199, also known as the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018).

How to Exercise your California Rights
You can exercise your rights yourself or you can alternatively designate an authorized agent to exercise these rights on your behalf. Please note that to protect your Personal Information, Advantage will verify your identity by a method appropriate to the type of request you are making. We may also request that your authorized agent have written permission from you to make requests on your behalf, and we may also need to verify your authorized agent's identity to protect your Personal Information.
Please use the contact details below, if you would like to:

  • Access this policy in an alternative format;
  • Exercise your rights;
  • Learn more about your rights or our privacy practices; or
  • Designate an authorized agent to make a request on your behalf.